Google has just brought Google Analytics to mobile applications, both Android and iOS-based, designed to give Search Engine Optimisation Experts and web developers greater visibility into their apps’ performance. Read More
Complete Comparison between Genesis and Woo Themes. Here I am presenting a complete review and comparison between worlds two best theme framework Read More
The 4 Hour Work Week gives any entrepreneur a detailed plan to create a business (vs. creating a job). It helped me quite my job. Read More
Find out how marketing speaker Geoff Ramm built his authority (and his #secretsauce for winning clients) Read More
University grads are hired and get great training, work environment and an opportunity to shine. Then, they get head hunted away. How do you retain them? Read More
Yes, you also need a mobile version of your websitesite. Mobile isn’t coming, it’s here. The numbers are staggering, 3.6 billion people around the world use mobile devices. 500,000 android devises are activated every day and as of December 2011 50% of Americans had a smartphone. Mobile is growing f Read More
One of the most important things when considering how to market your online business is to find the right market positioning strategy. But why is this important? And what is positioning? Read on and you will learn.

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When your have found out how to market your small business the next thing is to estimate if the marketing you are thinking of using will be profitable. A goal when marketing you online business should be that it at least “pays for it self” and hopefully also contribute to your profit margin.

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No matter what the state of the economy, it is critical that you be as frugal as possible when you are running a business. Keeping a check on your business’s expenses could well be the difference between going bankrupt and Read More
The latest thing that has been released from the Apple stable is the new iPad 3. Released in march of this year to huge fanfare (as usual), the iPad 3 boasted the same features that made the iPad 2 the must have gadget of last year. Read More

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