Google+ is taking its +1 button to the next level. The social network rolled out +1 Recommendations on Tuesday. The new feature is designed to help website owners to deliver more relevant content to their visitors. Read More
Each person’s idea of a successful retirement looks different from someone else’s. However, no matter who you are, there are some things that can keep you from achieving your vision of retirement success. Read More
In a world where you can be easily replaced, it’s vital that you develop household cash flow that isn’t dependent on a single source. Relying on a job for most of your household income can result in financial catastrophe if your hours are cut or you lose your job. Read More
This is a simple reason why quantity is more important than quality when it comes to social media in the short term. Read More
It is time for you to submit your entry to the "PR News' Digital PR Awards". There is in fact many more award opportunities each year. Here are a dozen options for any business to improve their authority.

You are investing time and money over many years to build authority to get that immedia Read More
I think these days, more and more shoppers are looking for exciting and fun shopping experiences - whether online and offline. Lots of people are tiring of the chain stores, and we're seeing more one-of-a-kind boutiques are popping up that offer those fun and exciting experiences.

For those who Read More
Like most things, there is no definitive answer whether email marketing or direct mail is superior. Below discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Read More
There are a variety of qualities that determine whether the work at home woman will succeed or not, but one that stands out above others is emotional intelligence. Read More
So far in this series we’ve discussed website design, navigation and usability. These are all very important. But what if no one finds your site???

Your website needs visitors in order to be successful. And those people need to be the right type of visitors if you hope to achieve your conversion Read More
The "elevator pitch" is a classic way to describe your business in 60 seconds or less - great for talking to busy investors or at networking functions. Coming up with the perfect pitch isn't as easy as it sounds, so here are some tips to get you started. Read More

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