A Marketing Audit is an organizational marketing assessment approach with the purpose of analyzing the marketing approach. A Marketing Audit is a very useful exercise for any organization because it can reveal weaknesses and identify opportunities for... Read More
U.S. consumers are more likely than consumers in other nations to shop online—and increasingly, they’re using mobile devices to shop online, according to the recently released Global Online Shopper Report, conducted by WorldPay and reported in Internet Retailer.
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Are you tired of searching the Internet and finding too MUCH stuff? Are you tired of seeing the same search results pop up over and over again? Do you suspect that there are great businesses out there that you are missing because they don't come up on the first or second page of a Google search? Read More
Many of the Japanese expatriates at my clients’ subsidiaries in the U.S. don’t have a clear idea of what their role is. Given vague titles like “Coordinator” or “Liaison”, they aren’t sure where they fit into the local organization… Read More
Review of Help Scout a cloud based CSM app, aimed at small to large businesses who have a need to process customer help desk type issues in a cloud-based, collaborative environment. Read More
Here's a post I wrote about using Zappos' "thank you card" technique to build mega fans out of your customers. It's a good, helpful read. Read More

Small Business Ideas

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From http://smallbiz1.com 4520 days ago
Small Business Ideas. New small business ideas to help you develop successful strategies for your business. SmallBiz1.com is a small business guide with free small business resources, tips, tools, downloads, articles, and more to help you run your small business successfully. Read More
Serial entrepreneur Jen Groover offers advice on how to get the mental clarity you need to stay at the top of your game as an entrepreneur. Read More
This is a great post about diversifying your income, channels to do it with as well as alternatives to what you are currently doing. Read More
If you’re going to put them in place be very clear about what you expect. The idea behind these things is to make your life easier, not break the site, after all. Read More

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