If you want to find the latest news or really any news at all, most people know by now to check Twitter. From there, you can search for a keyword and find hundreds of tweets about that topic. And maybe not immediately, but in time, there are sure to be hundreds of articles and blog posts about that Read More
Content curators can officially rejoice. They can now share the content they compile on Scoop.it with their friends, family and business connections automatically through their Facebook Timelines. The news was announced today on the Scoop.it Blog. Read More
Pinerly a a new startup focused on measuring social media success on Pinterest is scheduled to open to the public in May. Dive into all things Pinerly in this all access Q&A.

The Q & A was conducted via e-mail. All questions asked by Four51's Jenny Pollock (@Jennykaypollock) with answers from P Read More
Is your company using Pinterest? If so you need to get on Pinerly. Pinerly measures your socail medai succes on Pinterest.

I recently got access to the beta version of Pinerly. Pinerly has BIG potential. I could see Pinerly being to Pinterest as Hootsuite is to Twitter. Read More
If you're a wise business owner, you are advertising your business in all sorts of different ways - even when it comes to social media. Social media is just something you can't ignore, but it can take several hours out of your day trying to manage it... Read More
Before you decide to get help finding the right franchise from a franchise broker, ask these 10 questions. They're important for several reasons, as you'll see. Read More
The Eiffel Tower and other tourist highlights aren’t the only things France is well known for—those who’ve done business in the country or are planning international expansion are likely also familiar with its reputation for strict employment law. Some of basic tenets of French employment law, like Read More
"What is wrong with my blog?" "Why can't I get readers?", "How do I get more traffic?" If you're creating great content on regular basis but not driving traffic, here's how you can fix it. Read More
If expansion to China is on your mind, good news: The Chinese economy is expected to become the world’s largest by 2020. The not-so-good news is that, even if you’re interested in simply exploring the Chinese market prior to making a long-term commitment, you may need to set up a legal presence. Wh Read More
There’s something about the human spirit that demands we build things, that we invent and create. The fear of failure is greatly overshadowed by the desire “to do.” In America, we not only want to build and create, but our free market system allows us to trade our efforts with others, to make a pro Read More

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