Authopublisher commented on the following stories on BizSugar
61 Google Plus Tips, Thoughts, and Requests
"Hi Tristan, I want to tell you my first reaction after opening the page was "wow, this is a long list", but after reading the first few I got swept into it! These are really helpful tricks! I really think G+ is a little more professional than Facebook, not only the design, but (like you mentioned) no useless features like poking!"The Intriguing Potential of Twitter Ads For Small Businesses
"Hello Ryan. I see you are careful with mentioning the word 'viral' here. I think the word viral is relative. If you write a post and receive 3500 visitors a day to it with hundred or so comments - it's viral. But a video on yourself is not really considered viral unless it's above a million. On the other hand, if a blogger just started out and he gets a hundred views. His post went viral. Funny how 'viral ' is a metric but it's really relative. "Powerful Steps to Take Your Blog to the Next Level
"Thanks Onibalusi. I have recently made the decision to give as much valuable content away as possible. I feel much better since I've been doing it and I think the main reason is because I have stopped putting pressure on myself to make money from my blog. Now, I see deals coming in and I don't really know why, but I think it's because of the sowing principle. It's really golden and until you understand that principle, you will be ONE frustrated blogger. "7 Creative Content Writing Ideas to Bring Your Old Content Back to Life
"Hello Ana. This article is exactly the reason why you are one of the top bloggers with a LOT of influence. I know all this, but the key about this information it to actually DO IT! I am working on making a ebook available with the 25 BEST author interviews to my readers and subscribers. It's going to be a WHOPPER. I have TONS of GOOD content I wrote when my blog started out and it is lost somewhere in the hallways of the my archives. One book with the top 25 interviews and then a couple high profile people's audio interviews as a bonus. But your idea of giving a ebook away for free and making a premium one avialbale at a small fee with audio interviews is STELLAR. I see one problem with excellent posts like yours, very few people actually implement it. Don't you agree? "Subscribe
Social Media Mistakes and the Best Way to Handle Them
"Hi Ryan, I completely agree with the importance of admitting you made a mistake! I remember hearing on the street one day a grandmother telling her grandson that if he admits it is his fault he will be halfway forgiven, and his punishment will be reduced to half! The same thing with costumers, even if you don't have a clear punishment, you will see that after you own up to your guilt their displeasure will be visibly reduced, and they will respect you more!"