Authopublisher commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Is Your Tone Killing Your PR Campaign? Sometimes It’s Not What You Say, But How You Say It
"Tone does so much in every kind of conversation! You can see that when you hear two foreigners speak to each other, even if you don't understand what they say, you can tell when they are arguing and you start to feel uncomfortable without understanding the content!"Are You Hoping Your Brand Will Grow?
"Hi Susan, I like the fact that you reduced the need to grow your company to 3 basic aspects to take into consideration! There are so many way one may try to take into consideration that it might overwhelm them, and be really hard to put into action... but being able to reduce them to the basics is really the first step towards success! "Where Does Your Website Traffic Come from: Which Traffic Source Is the Most Effective?
"hello ana, I don't think we should not be hasty to discredit the people who make our high traffic,because after all, they are the ones who tell us if they appreciate or not our work. Even if they won't buy the products we offer, they give us the good or bad feedback that we need to make our good work GREAT! "5 Things You Must Know About B2B Content Marketing
"Hi Matt, I agree with not copying your competitors aspect! I always said that if you cannot come up with your own ideas to improve your business, it's better to hire somebody capable or just give it up rather then resort to stealing the ideas others."Subscribe
Building Your Brand By Improving The Way You Comment On Blogs
"Oh, this article just warmed the cockles of my heart! I just get so frustrated when I commented on something and I can't see where my comment went, it's not posted but no "thanks, I'm holding it for review" either... and don't get me started on Captcha!!! it was great to find someone else who values comments as much as I do!"