BizPlanMentor commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Franchises by a Franchisee
"Hi Heather, Excellent questions! I would suggest that if a potential franchisee has no previous experience as a business owner, franchising might be a wise choice. They will have a network of fellow franchisees and the franchisors to turn to with their questions. They will have most items already set up for them (vendors, inventory, equipment, advertising, etc) so they are not stumbling around researching every little item. Previous business owners who have had experience setting up a business might be better off starting a business from scratch. They would thus avoid the typically high franchise fees which can be anywhere from $5000 – $1,000,000. An individual would likely know which category they fit into by evaluating their own comfort level. If they can afford the franchise (and there are many affordable franchises) and would like the fastest, easiest road to owning their own business, buying a franchise might be the way to go."7 Reasons Startups are for the Young and Positive
"My first reaction to this article was "there they go-bashing the 50+ crowd again". Then I realized how true it actually is. I was burned big time twice: lost a franchise biz and an online biz. We won't even discuss the dozens of other attempts. And as a 50 something, I am very fearful to try again. As much as I didn't want this article to be really hit the mark."« previous12 next »
My July 2013 Monthly Income Report
"Pat Flynn is amazing isn't he? And he's so completely transparent with his methods. Great guy and great site."