DevonSmiley commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Doing business without protection?
"You're welcome! The contract basics should be the same from one country to another, so international contracts would have the same sort of contents - however, how they're applied and interpreted can vary widely. The best bet is to use a template to get your foundation, and then speak to legal counsel in your home country to make sure you're covering all the particulars."Hold Your Horses. Negotiation isn’t a race.
"So true Lyceum! When I was a purchaser, I thought negotiations were the most boring part of the job...until I could see how much difference having a great contract makes for the team actually working the procurement day-to-day. Glad to have lived both lives!"« previous1 next »
Doing business without protection?
"Hi there! Heinie is what my Grandma called a tush/bum/butt. So for me, having a contract is all about keeping your butt covered! I've found that most of the contracts you can find on docracy, or rocketlawyer are adequate. The important thing is to not use them entirely as-is, but to make sure that the contents actually work for your specific type of business. (For example, if the template refund language doesn't match how you want to handle refunds...change it!) "