JulieWeishaar commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How Long Should Your Video Be? - YouTube
"I try to keep promotional videos under 2 minutes. Sometimes you just can't get everything you need to say in two minutes so you have a few choices. 1) make sure the video is engaging enough to keep "them" watching or 2) you can always create a teaser shorter video as an introduction. There are of course always exceptions. Sales videos tend to be really long. Sometimes in my opinion, too long. But it is pretty much accepted that a sales video will be longer than 2 minutes. Again, it depends upon the purpose of the video. Training videos WILL be longer but the expectation of the viewer is to learn something and if they are watching the video, it means they are interested in what you are teaching and therefore won't mind the length. It is more the promotional and business profile videos that need to watch how long they are. "How Can Your Small Business Keep Up On The Internet? - YouTube
"Hi Martin, do you mean companies that are good at creating videos or using them? The larger brands like Dove, Home-Depot, Kmart, and many others use video very successfully. Many smaller businesses haven't actually started using video yet for various reasons. Maybe they don't know how or they think it is too expensive, when in actuality it doesn't have to be either. As far as companies who create videos for others...mine does :)"How Can Your Small Business Keep Up On The Internet? - YouTube
"Hi Martin. I just posted: http://www.bizsugar.com/OnlineMarketing/the-power-of-video-add-some-pizzazz-to-your-powerpoint-presentations-/ here. PowerPoint is an invaluable tool for creating videos. In addition, you can see some of my client videos on my playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL02894F2BFC7CD166"Subscribe
Create Infographics Easily With Piktochart
"The only thing I know about for upgrades is removing their logo. I didn't have any other need that I couldn't use in the free version, so for me this is a really powerful tool. IF I charged clients to create infographics for them, the logo/watermark would be an issue for me - but I do NOT - do it is fine :) "