Raziarazzi commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How to Close More Sales With Visual Content and Grow Your Business
"You've put your heart and soul into creating content that shares your knowledge and experiences with the rest of the world. But why isn't anyone looking out for them? Video SEO, in a nutshell. From what it is to how you might use it to get your content discovered,"The Ultimate Guide to Connected Packaging
"I just really didn't know about the connected packaging. When I order something online, the package will come, it appears, with its brand name, QR code, and some seals with its brand name. Now I got to know that the QR code is a connected package. It is valuable information. Today I know about one thing and I will thank you."Subscribe
Why is Strategic Scouting Essential for Tech Businesses?
"Strategic scouting is essential for tech businesses because it allows them to identify and target their customers more effectively. Businesses that are able to do this will be able to provide more relevant products and services, which will help them retain customers and grow their market share."