SmallBizDiamonds commented on the following stories on BizSugar
5 Strategic Disadvantages for Small Businesses Offering Health Benefits
"Heather I totally agree! I thought this would great to publish because of it's unique point of view and as you mentioned with the changes in health care that are coming these are some valid points to think about. Thanks for your comment :)"13 Do’s and Don’ts of Twitter for Indie Artists, Labels, & Business Owners
"Heather, You are correct. I don't understand why some other business owners are a afraid to connect others in their network. It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face!!! Be by being a business connector you are helping others get what they want and in turn they will look out for you so that you always have what you want."Subscribe
October Celebrates Women in Small Business
"Thanks for reading Heather! I agree that it's exciting and amazing to see how great women are doing at things that were only approved for men at one time. Hurray for women in business!!!"