SmallBizDiamonds commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Saying "No" to customers can help a small business grow - Small Biz Diamonds
"Hi Denise, I agree with you that having a focus makes saying 'no' so much easier because again you are positioning yourself as THE expert at what you do. A true expert says 'no' to the requests that are beyond the scope of what they do. Thank you for you comment."Saying "No" to customers can help a small business grow - Small Biz Diamonds
"Thanks for you comment Gary :) I think you are not the only entrepreneur that struggled with this the problem of taking on too many low cost projects. A lot of times when we are trying to get our name out their (and pay bills as I mentioned in the article) we want to stay in business so we may 'bite off more than we can chew' not realizing that this behavior is more damaging than it is a help for us. The key is be very good at what you do or have to offer and only take on projects or customers that are your ideal clients. The business owner is the expert and should treat their business accordingly even if it means 'no'."11 Reasons small business owners should write for someone that knows - Small Biz Diamonds
"Hi Heather, Thank you for your comment. I hope that other small business owners can benefit from this blog post. For me personally, has really opened the doors for so many business opportunities and ideas."« previous12345 next »
Saying "No" to customers can help a small business grow - Small Biz Diamonds
"Hi Elaine, I'm so glad this article is effective for you. As small business owners we sometimes try to please more than we actually can instead of standing firm about our offerings and turning client/customer request down when necessary. I love your analogy that it's "like reprimanding a child and saying their behaviour is unacceptable, while respecting the child at the same time" this is so true. I hadn't thought about it in those terms but you are absolutely right! Thank you for reading and I again, glad that the article was a timely piece for you."