Adamjayc commented on the following stories on BizSugar
29 Top Chatbot Statistics: Usage, Demographics, Trends
"I don't at the moment. The main issue I have is that I have a lot of different conversion goals across each of my sites. If I work on a site that has a more clear and singular conversion goal, then I'd definitely consider it. I'm planning on launching a job site for marketers in the future. Chatbots would be perfect for that I think :)"29 Top Chatbot Statistics: Usage, Demographics, Trends
"Sure thing. I'm hoping I'll have more details to share soon. It's a bit of a passion project that I've been wanting to launch for a few years. It should be possible to choose which pages the chatbot appears. Exactly how may depend on the chatbot. But if the chatbot doesn't have that option, there will likely be a WordPress plugin that will allow you to add code snippets to specific pages/taxonomies. I found one a while back but can't remember the name. - Adam"Subscribe
How To Get More Targeted Website Traffic: The Beginner\'s Guide
"Thanks Martin. I'd like to be a guest on EGO NetCast. I have a few too many commitments at the moment but it would be great once my schedule clears up a bit :) "