Adamjayc commented on the following stories on BizSugar
1 Million Page Views Later, How I Am Blogging Different
"Hi Shawn, No problem. I'd definitely agree. I think every business should be making some effort collect data from it's followers. At the very least build a mailing list. A few recommendations: - Usually the first thought of a lot of businesses is to collect as much data as possible but it's worth removing form fields because that will typically improve conversions. - Offering free (and exclusive) content can be a great way to compel people to subscribe that wouldn't usually hand over their email address. - When you offer content make sure that you don't redirect to a thank you page which offers the free download before users are forced to confirm their opt-in - that's a sure fire way to lose subscribers. - Track subscribers better using goal tracking in Google Analytics. - Your website needs to be clear and focus on improving the user experience - too many distractions usually lower conversions. - Best practice can only get you so far - after that it's up to testing. I recently published a post covering these points and a few more which can be found here:"20 Incredible Marketing Resources That You Might Have Missed This Week
"The most effective tool I've found for managing this is probably Pocket ( - it works for desktop and mobile, keeping them sync'd up so just add the Chrome extension and add them to your pocket and read through them :)"Subscribe
Marketing Catch-up: Measure Effectiveness, Write More Compelling Copy And More
"Thanks Val :)"