Adamjayc commented on the following stories on BizSugar
8 Powerful Influencer Research Tools That Get Results
"No worries, Martin. They're in a different ball park really. Hootsuite for managing social profiles, SumALL for analytics. Klout is best for finding content to share, I'm not 100% sold on their influence metric, although you can use it to find influencers. These tools in my post are all about influencer identification, for most of them that's all they do and they do it well. Well worth testing some of them out, especially NOD3x. "8 Powerful Influencer Research Tools That Get Results
"It's a similar issue with most other social networks, they're built for users not marketers. Although Twitter is finally catching on with it's analytics functionality. Google Analytics does pull in G+ data but it doesn't do anything close to what other purpose built tools can do."7 Experts Reveal Their Secrets: How to Use Visual Content to Attract More Readers (Part II)
"Hi Heather, great question! It's great to hear that BizSugar has new video focused features. I think for a lot of people, writing just comes more naturally and is usually easier to do (from a technical sense). I'm planning to leverage video a lot more in the future myself. Although, Neil Patel did find that written content refers more traffic than video. Although people seemed to like video content more (here's a reference: I think a lot of it is just a case of people doing what they're used to doing. And a lot of people think of themselves as writers more than anything else. I think we'll see a lot more people focusing on video in the future though. "7 Experts Reveal Their Secrets: How to Use Visual Content to Attract More Readers (Part II)
"Thanks Ti, much appreciated :) I know what you mean - I feel exactly the same when I see a wall of text. I end up closing the website and never going back. It's a shame because it could have been the best piece of writing in the world. That's it exactly - visuals and plenty of white space along with short sentences/paragraphs!"Subscribe
16 Effective Ways To Get More Comments On Your Blog – Starting Today
"Strange, I've got 86 comments on the post - worrying! I'll be removing Disqus soon so shouldn't be an issue. G+ comments have so much potential but notifications don't really work on G+ so pretty much means it's fallen on it's face. If you aren't seeing notifications, you can't engage with your community."