67% of your audience considers clear, detailed images to carry more weight than product information or customer ratings.

Smart marketers, educators and small business owners all around the globe are using visuals to make their message more effective and engaging.


Written by tiroberts
3641 days ago

Fantastic article and congrats on your feature, Adam. I loved what you said about the "wall of text". Anytime I see a huge block of text online, I almost instantly get a head ache. Visuals take away the "pain" of reading online content. It also helps to have a lot of "white space" in between the sentences and paragraphs.

~ Ti

Written by adamjayc
3641 days ago

Thanks Ti, much appreciated :)

I know what you mean - I feel exactly the same when I see a wall of text. I end up closing the website and never going back.

It's a shame because it could have been the best piece of writing in the world.

That's it exactly - visuals and plenty of white space along with short sentences/paragraphs!

Written by HeatherStone
3650 days ago

Hi Adam,

I'm often mystified that people do not use video content more often online. (It's something we very much encourage here in the BizSugar community, having recently introduced some features that improve the way video can be viewed here on the site.) Stats about growing video preferences with online audiences and search engines are everywhere. Why don't more people get it? Your take?

Written by HeatherStone
3650 days ago

Agreed, Adam. I think more video in on the way.

Written by adamjayc
3650 days ago

Hi Heather, great question!

It's great to hear that BizSugar has new video focused features.

I think for a lot of people, writing just comes more naturally and is usually easier to do (from a technical sense).

I'm planning to leverage video a lot more in the future myself.

Although, Neil Patel did find that written content refers more traffic than video. Although people seemed to like video content more (here's a reference: http://www.quicksprout.com/2013/10/28/my-45300-mistake-how-text-drives-more-traffic-than-video-content/).

I think a lot of it is just a case of people doing what they're used to doing. And a lot of people think of themselves as writers more than anything else.

I think we'll see a lot more people focusing on video in the future though.

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