Businessavante commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Small Business Advertising – Consumer Insights On Teens For Small Businesses Advertising
"Very good research on teen buying! I must be one of the world's oldest teens when it comes to resisting advertising - I've been that way all my life. We were trained not to believe commercials when TV screens were still round. businessavante"Basic Steps to Online Reputation Management
"Reputation management is very important. What bugs me is that the web system of leaving reviews is cock-eyed. Only people who have actually dealt with the business in question should be able to leave reviews. If that day ever comes, I'll see some spark of validity in the reviews - right now it's just a bunch of muck the business owner has to crawl through. They still have to deal with it, even if it's a pile of bologna. businessavante "Confessions of a Content Marketer
"Lots of great points, Sarah! I didn't understand Joe Pulizzi's remark about Leonardo (maybe I didn't get the full context). Did he mean Da Vinci should have settled for "good enough" and painted a few hundred Mona Lisas to get more cash? He said he could only paint it once (it was commissioned) - I don't get it?! businessavante"Subscribe
7 Lies That Will Keep You From Starting Your Business
"I like #1: "Today's Economy". Even though it HAS been bad since 9/08, there's never been a time in my life (mid 50's) when the words "today's economy" weren't used to decry Something. businessavante"