Clickfire commented on the following stories on BizSugar
7 Ways To Increase Email Opt-ins From Your Website Visitors
"Done correctly, yeah. I probably won't use pop-ups for fear of alienating users. Hardly a day goes by that I don't close my browser due to being take "captive." But, I have plenty of work to do in the area email marketing, something I've neglected too long."Building an Email List for Your Business or Industry
"I so need to adopt these principles into my sites. Seems to be such an easy win but yet email list improvement seems to always come last in priorities, right after link building, that is. I need a good success story of someone raking it in with email lists to get me motivated."Subscribe
33 Powerful Free Web Generators for Bad Designers
"Nice job, Alex. You really sifted through the haystack to find some gems for the design-challenged (like myself)."