Efoghor commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How To Quickly Become a Problogger in 8 Steps
"Logistico, It would actually be great if there is a way to promote this to your friends. I would encourage anyone with the skills to go into blogging without looking back. Blogging has it's advantages, which in my opinion surpass the disadvantages - passive income generation, increase in credibility, gaining new friends, broadening your knowledge base, etc. I started blogging in 2009 and waited for a long time before the money started coming in. I did not lose focus because I knew where I was heading to. Today, I am happy I did not turn back because blogging now generates passive income for me."How To Quickly Become a Problogger in 8 Steps
"QueenMaa, Blogging is an excellent career actually; but some people don't seem to realize that and so they don't give blogging the attention it deserves. It is good for bloggers to respond to all comments on their blogs within the shortest possible time. However, some bloggers get so busy that they don't the time to attend to all the comments on their blogs, especially for those sites that have really grown large and receive scores of comments daily. Responding to comments shows that you value your readers and care about the time they spend in visiting your blog."How to Actively Stop Spam Comments On Your Blog
"Larry, I agree with you Akismet can eliminate 99.999% of spam; but the problem is that Akismet needs and API key which requires the user to pay a monthly subscription. Unfortunately, not all newbies can afford monthly subscription. So the best option for them for a start is to use the free plugins that can do a good job, and then later change to a much improved security arrangement like using Akismet when there is some money available to maintain the subscription. Thank you so very much for drawing my attention to that. God bless."Subscribe
How To Quickly Become a Problogger in 8 Steps
"Logistico, you are quite correct. Yea, newbies that are cowardly would easily get discouraged. A lot of people believe that making money as a blogger is so easy; so they wouldn't want to hear the truth about having to work real hard before making money. However, blogging is not for everybody; only those who are prepared to pay the sacrifice would easily succeed in the business. Determination is very important when it comes to success. "