Juliewolf commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Are You Spending Your Information-Security Budget On The Wrong Technology? - Forbes
"Security is something most do not want to deal with but many will learn the hard way they MUST! I deal with recovering hacked Skype accounts often as well as teaching Skype Safety. What many do not realize is that any hacking likely means malware in your computer and possibly even your website. If not cleaned, they can come back to "bite" you again... and again! Your website is your business identity when its online. Is your website distributing viruses and malware? That's not good for your business. I have recently read some very good eye opening articles on Smart TVs becoming the new target for cyber criminals, New malware program PoSeidon targets point-of-sale systems, and Stealing Data From Computers Using Heat written by Azgad Security. I even put a link to them on my Skype Hack Recovery ebook page. Its important! We really must take the time to protect ourselves and our followers. Period!"« previous1 next »
20 Best Shopping Engines for Retailers [Infographic]
"You guys find the coolest stuff for online marketing. After reading this Informative Infographic I am inspired to share the Infographic on my sites. They make it so easy with the code down at the bottom and invite to share on your site."