Justin_amendola commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Blog Tip: Finding Time to Blog
"Matt: You're definitely onto something with the weekly routine. Repetition and discipline tend to make most things easier. I haven't been as good with my writing as I'd like, but you have me thinking about carving out a block of time each week for this purpose. As I replied to Niall above, I tend to be a streaky writer. Once I focus on the task, the posts kind of naturally flow. Just budgeting time for this process might help me build that "treasure trove" of content that can help smooth out those bumpy weeks when there is less time for writing. Have a great weekend, Justin"Kenji Crosland: What Makes a Person an Entrepreneur?
"Great topic, Kenji! Entrepreneur is an overused word for a reason: it covers so many things. In fact, I'd propose that there are many entrepreneurs who never go out and start their own businesses. Rather, they are people who decide there is a new or better way to approach life in a big corporation. These are people who champion innovation and slowly try to change slow-moving cultures. In many ways, this type of entrepreneurial behavior requires as much or more sacrifice and risk. "« previous12 next »
Blog Tip: Finding Time to Blog
"Niall: I completely agree. Perhaps it's because I tend to be a streaky writer, but I find that I'll come up with a few ideas at a time. It is easier for me to just create several drafts at once. Justin"