Myspalmer commented on the following stories on BizSugar
When Start-Ups Grow Up: Three Must-Haves For Changing Culture
"Hiya Chris, Love the title. When start-ups grow up! It made me smile. I think you're spot on. A small business may not stay small and scaling up will be difficult without core foundations. Even huge corporations fumble on boarding and leadership. Start-ups can get this right early on and have a plan for tweaking as the company reaches beyond its pubescent stage. Great tips!"40 simple ways to never run out of blog content ideas
"TONS of useful sources. Tons I tell ya! For my money though, a never ending source of blogging ideas is to share solutions you find to issues you face in your business. Issues are always around so reporting your solutions is a never ending source of content. Thanks for da info! Enjoy your weekend!"4 Points to Analyze Before Creating a Blog
"Hiya Juan! I just had to pay my first visit to your blog today. And I have to say, i like it! Your tips are exactly on point. These are definitely things to consider BEFORE you start a blog, not after! One thing I would add though, discover your voice. Branding is paramount in any blog and a major component of branding is communication. How your audience perceives you relies on how they receive you. So what's your blog's (or business's) personality? What tone will you use that's BEST received by your ideal reader? Make it you and unique and you've got gold. Thanks for the great post Juan, check ya lata!"You Scared: 10 Nonsense Reasons You Won't Write a Guest Post
"Hey Juan, Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Now, I can't say it's completely "free". We do have to research topics and create outstanding content. Which takes time. And time is moola! lol But you're right. You get to leverage an already targeted and engaged audience, AND build one for yourself, at the same time! How cool is that? Glad to know you're getting out there and spreading your unique message Juan. Keep it up. Hey, enjoy your week okay!"Manage Social Media in 20 Minutes Per Day
"I dunno Holly. I love the post, don't get me wrong, but I was a big fan of tweetdeck before Hootsuite acquired it and removed a lot of the features that made it unique. Yes, hootsuite is valuable but I found your other tips, particularly gathering ideas in bulk and organizing 'em most valuable. Thanks for the share!"« previous1 next »
Want a successful small business?
"Hey Paul! Fantastic tips. I think the biggest nugget of advice for me is environment. I never paid too much attention to it because I always had a direct hand in my environment. Then you add people to that mix and all hell can break loose. So thanks for the reminder. It's time to clean it up and get my environment "happy" again."