Nathanelward commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Is Email Marketing Dead? 5 Things You Need to Know
"Email marketing is not just alive but kicking. Too fiercely competitive to be dead. Moreover newer features added every few days by companies. Email marketing platforms like EasySendy Pro are bringing on micro segmenting subscribers, sending targeted emails, re-engagement campaigns, email delivery optimization with multiple SMTP servers to name a few. Nobody should really be dissuaded from using email marketing. Go ahead, be read, be liked, be subscribed by your viewers. Thanks, Nathan"Email marketing evolution: 3 trends
"Good post! Evolution is the key to survival for any business or marketing platform. Yes these three are the pillars of email marketing evolution.. Hence companies are EasySendy Pro using these features to helps customers better and consequently grow. They do help in micro segmenting email subscribers and lists, making the job much easier. They allow adding heading content to headers if required by specific SMTPs.. and yes they allow the use of various SMTP for different subscriber lists for the same client. this is also useful when there are country specific mailbox service providers. Thanks, Nathan"« previous1 next »
Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Get More Email Subscribers
"Thanks for sharing here. Single/double opt in /opt out make it easier for the readers to get in and for us as well. This is featured in EasySendy Pro an email marketing app with multiple SMTPs. Also social media posts with a 'sign in' tab are a great way to get subscribers instantly when they are influenzed by the posts. Thanks, Nathan"