Splatforms commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Now auto submit to over 200 sites for free!
"We try to keep the list of potential target sites up to date here: http://splatforms.com/targetsites ... not all potential targets have "Tasks" associated with them at the moment, but others have more than one. Each site is unique, and users configure their "preferences" to include the Tasks associated with the sites that best meet their own needs. New Sites and Tasks are being published all of the time, and of course, we are happy to take requests if someone sees something missing that they would like to have added."« previous1 next »
Splatforms, Velocimacros, and Spintax
"Spintax is something that we just recently discovered. Most of our existing Tasks do not spin the *form contents, but it is definitely something that we are happy to add to our list of options. Tasks are developed individually to take the data from one *form (currently, we have five: Text, Link, Article, Event, and Contact) and post it on one site (of which we have around 300+ on our list right at the moment). How the *form fields are mapped to the target site's input fields is determined on a Task by Task basis."