Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
The DANGER Of Over-Reliance On Technology In Business (Chilling Video)
"Heidi, Thanks. I wanted the disclaimer to make sure that it was 100% clear that I was not in any way using the tragic incident for promotional purposes, rather only to gleen some educational and what I deemed important lessons. Thanks, Yoni"The DANGER Of Over-Reliance On Technology In Business (Chilling Video)
"Alan, Great point about " ask what can go wrong. It is more important than waiting until a tragedy and looking in retrospect to see what did go wrong." I am going to add this as an additional point in the post right now. Thanks, Yoni"Biz Lesson: Instilling Respect, Loyalty, Allegience and Dedication (Video)
"Heidi, I look at it like the sculptor who says the beautiful work was always there, he/she just needed to remove what wasn't needed. Leesons are always there, everywhere, it's just a matter of looking and finding. Pleased you liked the article, Yoni"Biz Lesson: Instilling Respect, Loyalty, Allegience and Dedication (Video)
"Devon, If you mean placing a BizSugar vote via Wordpress, the answer is "yes" at least in theory. in practice, however, I tried to upload the voting "thingy" to the Wordpress blog. No luck...I'm clueless. Thanks for your heartening feedback on the post! Yoni"Subscribe
BUSINESS BLOGGING: A 20-Item Checklist to Pilot Your High-Flying MARKETING Machine To the Skies!
"Susan, Thanks, It's another great point I never thought of! Regards, Yoni"