Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Confessions of a Biz-Blogger “Junkie” On Vacation: Addiction, Cravings & Withdrawl
"Shawn, Thanks for the response. I finally got word from Amazon, the book was returned "undeliverable." No worry, Rivkah will be in The States for the next two weeks and will pick up the books you have recommended. In any case, due to severe withdrawal symptoms I am canelling my blog vacation; I have reserve duty in October...that will be a good time to break. All the best, Yoni"Does Blogging Quantity Decrease Quality?
"I hate to digress to sex (intimacy) but I will. The worst thing that couples can do is "schedule" romantic encounters i.e. "Let's meet in bed on Thursday night..." It's best, at least as far as I'm concerned (my wife probably agrees) when it's spontaneous. Blogging is the same. Without inspiration and spontatneitym blogs fall flat 99% of the time. Part 2: Quality and quantity don't need to be mutually exclusive as long as one pours their his or her heart and soul into each post. The worst thing for a reader though (again in my opinion) is to read a blog post and feel that the person just wanted to post. That they really didn't care about saying something meaningful, they just wanted to say something. It's like the person who speaks to hear his or her own voice. They're boring. Blog readers are a finicky bunch. Excite them and they'll come back. Bore them and they'll simply find another blog to read. A blog has to excite. Yoni"Small Business News: Using Video For Social Media
"Great post Shawn and very intersting stats from comscore. If a picture is worth a thousand words, video is surely worth 10,000. From funny to serious to anything, it instantly seems to make a connectiion with people! Thanks for a very intersting article! Yoni"Subscribe
What Paths Do Your Customers Follow to Take Action?
"Susan, Great post and great information! Statcounter looks interesting perhaps I will give it a try. It's important to learn the behavior of clients, as the photo in your blog so aptly points out! Yoni"