Krystsina submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you consider photography as art and you love spending time on editing pictures you clicked, then you should seriously think of becoming a freelance photographer. What knowledge you should have, how much of investments is required, and where to get your first clients - in this detailed guide. Read More
Are you convinced that the dog is man's best friend? Ready to help all your friends and friends' friends to care about their pets all over weekends? Then you should definitely think of starting your own dog care business! This detailed guide has answers to all questions about it. Read More
If you get a strange feeling when you see a grammar mistake and if you love reading books so much that you forget to eat dinner, you should consider becoming a professional proofreader to get endless satisfaction from work. Where to start from, how to find clients and much more in this blog post! Read More
Choosing a bank for your small business or startup is crucial for further management. To skip a possibility of discomfort or disappointment by your choice, it's better to compare banks offers and choose what suits you the best. We compared popular UK banks for you, have a look if you work in the UK! Read More
Another week of July is coming to an end. Let's have a look at the most discussing topics of the week and decide what they mean for the freelancing and business world. Read More

How Small Businesses can Profit From Pokemon Go

How Small Businesses can Profit From Pokemon Go  - Avatar Posted by Krystsina under Marketing
From 2876 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on July 26, 2016 9:16 am
As much as all of us are tired of these never ending conversations and discussions on this topic, we have to face it: Pokémon Go is one of those trends we can't ignore. Check out the ways how you can make your business benefit from this trend as much as you can before you will loose this opportunit Read More
It is time to except the fact that millennials make a huge impact in the business world. They definitely deserve to be noticed and respected as a driving engine toward the development of businesses. But why? Because they think differently, they work differently, and they consume differently. Read m Read More
If your English language knowledge is excellent and you enjoy the process of sharing it with other people, you may consider freelancing as English as a Second Language teacher. We prepared a full guide on how to start and grow your teaching business, check it out! Read More
Did you know that just adding plants into the office or any other working place may increase your productivity by up to 15%? There are a few simple things you should consider in order to create a perfect working surrounding for your employees and yourself as well. Find some of them in this blog post Read More
Design, functionality and user experience are the three crucial parts to make your small company website leave a good impression. Website speed contribution to complete this goal is huge is well. That's why you may find these tips on improving your website speed very useful. Have a look! Read More

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