Liz_062 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

It is possible for SMEs to grow efficiently and cost effectively if a clever technology strategy is in place. Read More
Recently I moved over from Dropbox to Google Drive and found a few unexpected benefits. At first I had a little trouble managing the space since the 1TB on my Google Drive was bigger than my HDD, but after I got that sorted I started to learn some of the deeper features of Google Drive, some of whi Read More

Facebook Relaunches Atlas: This Week in Social Media

Facebook Relaunches Atlas: This Week in Social Media  - Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Social Media
From 3546 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on October 10, 2014 8:58 am
Social media news and new developments making social media marketing easier. (Facebook Atlas, SlideShare app, Path Talk, Groupon Snap) Read More
Like teenagers, social media platforms are struggling to understand their position in the world, which is why businesses need to treat them carefully. Read More

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