ShawnHessinger submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Attorney Amyli McDaniel looks at some of the biggest blunders made by entrepreneurs when operating a small business in this article from the Small Business Legal Advisor. But probably more appropriately, this article also looks at how to avoid them. Hopefully, if you've already made these mistakes this article will help you to do what it takes to make things right again. If you're just starting i Read More
Here are six steps to protect your small business trade secrets starting with identifying the data critical to protect for your business's success and ending with the process of litigation if this information is compromised. The list of steps comes from the Barbara Weltman Website. A tax and business attorney since 1977, Barbara has made a name as a great source for small business advise. Her sit Read More

Technology Aids Small Business With Loyalty Programs

Technology Aids Small Business With Loyalty Programs - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From 5292 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 31, 2009 8:33 am
Blogger Hutch Carpenter at Blogging Innovation points to at least two tech companies, the social network Foursquare and the mobile phone payment system Square, that are in the process of making loyalty programs much easier for small business. This is because both enable the collecting and tracking of data on customer identity and visit frequency that allow small businesses to identify and reward Read More
Jeff Wuorio of the Microsoft Small Business Center lays out seven reasons your small business might need to call a lawyer and interestingly not one of them deals directly with your business being sued. Be aware that while some business experts might insist that retaining a lawyer is a necessary step at any point in the creation of your small business, remember to use common sense. If you are just Read More

Eight Small Business Tips for Staying Available During the Holidays

Eight Small Business Tips for Staying Available During the Holidays - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From 5293 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 31, 2009 6:58 pm
O.K., let's face it. You can't stay at your computer 24/7 even if your office happens to be in the living room or at the kitchen table. So how do you stay available for customers especially during the Holiday season when you're visiting family and friends. has these tips for always staying connected and being able to respond to and serve your customers. Read More

10 Must-Do Marketing Tips for Small Business in 2010

10 Must-Do Marketing Tips for Small Business in 2010 - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Marketing
From 5293 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on January 2, 2010 2:59 pm
Marketing strategist Ivana Taylor has these 10 tips for marketing in 2010 including some that probably should be second nature. (Start a blog, for example.) The ideas include social media but are not all online so some close attention to what is needed to target your customers directly is the key. Think about your business and probably more importantly your customers. Where are they? Who are they Read More

Five Benefits of Cloud Computing for Your Small Business

Five Benefits of Cloud Computing for Your Small Business - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Technology
From 5294 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 29, 2009 8:39 am
From the Cloud Computing Journal, here are five ways cloud computing can benefit your large or small business. Of course, a big part of the equation will be the amount you save in deploying new software, tools and features versus the amount of these features you are able to take advantage of while operating your core business. Certainly, it will also depend on how many systems you need and how of Read More
Working from home (or from anywhere else for that matter) can be a dream come true if, like many small business owners, you've opted for a mobile office to save overhead on bricks and mortar. Just make sure that dream doesn't become a nightmare with these simple tips from The post looks at some of the big mistakes workers in a mobile office can make and how you can sidestep or a Read More
Tax expert Tom Choisnet talks about deducting your small business home office and discusses some of the considerations in this video from eHow. The deduction requires adequate record keeping and should allow small business owners to deduct a portion of the cost for upkeep of their home so long as the home office remains the primary place of business. Depreciation is also possible for the home off Read More
Right now, hiring an attorney for your small business startup may be the furthest thing from your mind. After all, why hire an attorney when you haven't made any money yet and you're just starting out? But according to this video on LawInfo, hiring an attorney at the outset when starting your company can cost less than you might think and save you from costly mistakes early on. It's quite amazing Read More

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