YanivWalters submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The design patterns for the iOS app development in Swift language must be chosen carefully as it will largely influence the success and failure of your app.
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Google has finally released the Android 9 Pie with a whole lot of advanced features and other advantages that you must look out for to enjoy it.
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Using the important tips on using Kotlin for developing the Android apps, you can built a meaningful application and manage the projects systematically.
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What's the reasons behind the failure of your mobile app? Let’s analyze a few important factors apps fail to survive the competition and how to avoid it.
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Hiring an app development company is an important decision. So, here are eleven key questions you should ask before hiring them to make the right choice.
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The MVP is supposed to be the initial step towards developing a successful mobile app. you should know what common mistakes to avoid while developing the Minimum Viable Product.
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Mindinventory has a highly skilled team of React JS developers who have vast experience in developing highly robust and exclusive web applications for small to large businesses globally.
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Let’s have a look at some of the best front-end JavaScript frameworks that rules the app development industry and the pros & cons of each of the JS frameworks.
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Node.js 10 is on the floor with some notable features. As such it will be providing the Long Term Support in within a couple of months from October.
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Are you looking to hire full-stack developers? Here are the important tips that you need to consider when hiring full-stack developers for your business.
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