YanivWalters submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Following useful tips will help you build a chatbot for messenger that communicate with your audience and help you to generate more sales.
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Since today most of the iOS apps are getting developed in the Swift, you should follow these steps to migrate your already created Objective-C app to Swift.
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How to Deal with Negative App Reviews and Feedback

How to Deal with Negative App Reviews and Feedback - https://medium.com Avatar Posted by YanivWalters under Technology
From https://medium.com 2249 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on May 7, 2018 6:32 am
When you develop a mobile application, be prepared to cope up with both the positive as well as the negative reviews. Learn to deal with the negative feedback.
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Here’s what you need to know about the major launches and updates that Facebook has announced at the F8 Developer Conference keynote.
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The Google Flutter has been launched with the aim of making the lives of app developers simpler and it has a number of advantages and exciting features.
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What are the things you should consider to convert iOS app to Android app and vice versa. Learn how challenging is the job for an app developer.
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It is certainly high time for the small business entrepreneurs and owners to start thinking in planning to invest in mobile app development to increase sales.
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Both Android as well as iOS versions of apps hold their importance. So, let's find out the benefits of having both Android and iOS versions of apps for your business.
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Here are the best factors to consider when optimizing your android app in the Google Play Store to get better app ranking and increase app downloads.
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Let’s analyze on the important course of discussion and focus on how you can get your project done without spending a woofing price on mobile app development.
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