Cendrinemedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Kirsten Lambertsen has more than 15 years of experience working in Internet startups. In 2000, she launched BeautyRiot.com, her first company, which she then sold to Total Beauty Media nine years later.

Today, Kristen is telling us about Kuratur.com, a content curation service that she founded a Read More
The latest version of self-hosted blogging platform WordPress.org was released on Tuesday.

Called “Elvin” in honour of American jazz drummer Elvin Jones (1927-2004), WordPress 3.5 offers a plethora of tweaks, including a redesigned Media Manager that allows bloggers to create galleries faster wi Read More
Ready for another major redesign? Scoop.it announced its own on Tuesday.

The team spent several weeks testing the new interface with a select group of people before releasing it to the general public. Read More
More and more entrepreneurs venture into guest blogging, because they understand its value and importance.

Guest blogging allows you to “meet” an audience that you would not be able to reach otherwise. It also increases search engine awareness of what you are trying to promote. What a fantastic Read More
Do you know that Google+ now has Communities? This new feature works like Facebook Groups, but offers more options, such as Hangouts and discussion categories. Read More

Google Plus rolls out Communities feature

Google Plus rolls out Communities feature - http://www.examiner.com Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From http://www.examiner.com 4224 days ago
Made Hot by: zioncampo on December 10, 2012 2:33 pm
If you were on Google+ on Thursday, you probably discovered a new tab called “Communities” in your left sidebar.

This feature allows any member of the social network to create public and / or private groups centered around specific hobbies, interests, topics, or organizations. Read More
During my interview on Twitter a couple of months ago, moderator Atomic Reach (@Atomic_Reach) mentioned that I used more than 15 services and tools for content curation.

A few people were intrigued and asked me if I could share a list of them. Here it is below.

Note: I have also included a co Read More
Social network Socl got a makeover on Tuesday.
The site now offers a cleaner home page, with posts that can be visualized in a two- or three-column format. Chan Read More
Is social media responsible for our lack of privacy? Maybe we need to take a good look at ourselves before we attribute motives to the wrong culprit... Read More
Here is a quick roundup of some of the latest happenings in the social media world.


The Buffer team released a brand new Buffer button for blogs and websites this week. This button allows readers to share content on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook at optimal times and in one step. Read More

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