Cendrinemedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you use Pinterest to bookmark your favourite things, you may have wondered if there is an easy way to buy them directly from the comfort of your own boards. Read More
This weekend, we had our first major snowfall of the season. Winnipeg, my city, landed 25 cm. I love fresh snow and the crisp sound it makes when I walk on it. It actually is one of my favorite things to do this time of the year. Yesterday, as I was busy enjoying the untrodden bit I have in my back Read More

5 tips to promote your business like a pro online

5 tips to promote your business like a pro online  - http://www.creativeramblings.com Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From http://www.creativeramblings.com 4253 days ago
Made Hot by: Kirsten Jones on November 13, 2012 3:54 am
Social media has made promoting a business extremely easy. But easy does not mean that challenges are not around the corner. As a matter of fact, competition has never been fiercer, especially if you are a solo entrepreneur or the owner of a small business. Looking for ways to be noticed? Here are Read More
It had always been one of the most requested features for the site. And now, it is finally here! Pinterest launched secret boards on Thursday. Read More
Instagram is expanding its reach. The team behind the social media platform announced the introduction of web profiles on Monday.
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The recent changes in the EdgeRank algorithm and the push for promoted posts have been a major bone of contention for business owners trying to get traction on Facebook. Some big names, including George Takei and Mark Cuban, have even started voicing their concerns over the situation. Read More
Could YouTube change again? A potential new design has been available to a limited amount of users since June, and received quite a lot of attention lately.

Here is a quick roundup of what could be the future look of the video-sharing website. Read More
The lists of top influencers are often full of names that we see everywhere.

Today, I have decided to take a different path, and celebrate five people you may not know, but who have had a huge impact on their audiences. Read More
HootSuite keeps growing. The social media management platform added five more services to its App Directory on Tuesday.
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Interested in becoming a Pinterest "power" user? Well, now you can be one!

Pinterest launched on Thursday a new feature that gives members the ability to establish ownership of the website displayed on their profile. Read More

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