Decipherzone submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Artificial Intelligence in Business. The impact of Artificial Intelligence on business. Progressed artificial intelligence (AI) methods are improving business forms from the plant floor to the client's entryway. Used further bolstering its fullest good fortune, AI can possibly change each part of t Read More
With widespread cloud computing and the idea to share resources for reducing cost has increased the demand for web application development. Now companies are aligning themselves to trends which can improve their web apps performance, reduce utilization of resources and enhance user experience.

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The generation that has entered into the workforce in 21stcentury has been fantasized by the idea of holographic computing. Movies from Marvel and DC comics have repeatedly shown holographic computers like Jarvis in Iron man series but no one would have imagined that it will become a reality as soo Read More
Gaming is a booming industry which is growing rapidly, Sony’s PlayStation, Microsoft’s Xbox and Nintendo’s Wii are the mammoths of this industry who have remained unchallenged for quite a while. Google has recently announced its entry into the gaming world with Stadia, a cloud-based gaming environm Read More
Artificial Intelligence has been in play for almost a decade which has fruition intelligent products that we are using or at least have the test prototypes in hand yet there is a lot to be achieved now. Read More
How to hire a UI/UX designer for web application development? How to hire a UI/UX designer? The current electronic and computing infrastructure has increased our accessibility and eased up our work through high-performance mobile applications and web applications.
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Web application development is a complicated process and it is hard for people to choose a technology stack that’s best for developing their custom web application. The web application development companies’ representatives will suggest the technology stack on which they work but it is you who are Read More
The year 2019 is yet to arrive soon through the strong demand for technological developments has been indicating emerging technological trends that will overpower the tech world in 2019. Read More
As most of us know blockchain came into limelight in 2009 with the ICO of bitcoin which was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto. What we don’t know and not even questioned ourselves was why an alternative currency was developed which has no financial backing even though it became extravagantly popular wa Read More
IP addresses are unique identification numbers that are required by ISPs and websites to provide you service for your request. Government authorities usually monitor IP address to find suspicious illegal activities. Read More

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