Dlanders submitted the following stories to BizSugar

When you hear a business person boast about not being organized and still being successful, chances are that they have a team behind them, including a spouse, who manages their calendar and their paperwork, ensuring that they sign the correct contracts on time and that they show up for the appropriate meetings. The team's organization leads to t Read More
Office lighting is also a major user of electrical power and a source of greenhouse emissions. In contrast, natural light is available and cost-effective, leading to “daylighting” which is defined as a building design that makes effective use of outside light in relation to heating, cooling, and lighting, and it also works to improve employee prod Read More

Time Trashing & Organization: More Than Meets the Eye

Time Trashing & Organization:  More Than Meets the Eye - http://www.productivitytoday.com Avatar Posted by dlanders under Self-Development
From http://www.productivitytoday.com 5853 days ago
Made Hot by: on May 27, 2008 5:49 pm
Trashing is what happens when more time is spent switching between tasks than actually accomplishing useful work. While organizing your work space and your personal life is positive, make sure that you do not spend more time on the planning than in actually doing the work. Read More
You have three types of files that you deal with every day: * Daily Action: Things you still need to do * Project Files: Active folders that are ongoing for a specific period of time * Reference Files: Nothing more needs to be done on that item, but you want to keep it for possible future reference The strength of the Paper Tig Read More
To limit sustained harm to your brain's executive functioning, you need to find ways to lessen daily stress that can result from multitasking. To counter this need for multitasking: Read More
With gas prices rising rapidly, the advantages of working from a home office seem to be increasing. Not only is the act of commuting stressful for many, but now it is costing you a lot more to get to your job. Unfortunately the telecommuting trend seems to be reversing a bit. Some of the biggest corporate proponents... Read More
You are an example to your children in everything you do. Your example teaches them how to be responsible, how to treat others, and how to eat and exercise. What are you teaching them about your work life balance? Read More
Are your time management skills put to the test every morning? Does your early routine cause you and your family stress? Just a few simple steps can help you begin your day in an organized and efficient way! Every good morning begins the night before. Read More
The opportunities to expand in today's global economy often seem daunting. Yet there are basic steps that pertain at every level of expansion and transition. No matter the size of the company you work for, there are times when work expectations might change and opportunities arise. Whether it's a departmental shift, a promotion, a permanent reloca Read More
Having a stack of information piled on a credenza where you see it every day is not the best way to jump into a prioritized, productive daily routine. That pile confronts you several times a day and does create guilt for not getting around to it, even when you are the last person and so have eliminated the time pressure. To keep up... Read More

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