Ivanpw submitted the following stories to BizSugar

New Codero shopping cart improves customer experience allowing for server configuration, software configuration, additional services and checkout. Read More
Going location independent and looking to increase productivity? You need an online project software that can help you manage all of your projects in one place. Read More
Here is how to use the Pareto's Law or the 80/20 rule to lean your portfolio and focus on what is performing, instead of mingling with the non-performers. Read More
Here are some tips to help you going through a slow month in your small business revenue, including some insights from my business partners. Read More
The common tools to hear back from your readers or site users are: a poll, a quiz and a survey. This post briefly looks at the three tools and the benefits of using them. Read More
I recommend you to visit ChangeThis, a unique media site presenting resources or manifestos from top business thinkers, mentors, authors and entrepreneurs. Read More
As a Small Business Owner, we find ourselves constantly negotiating. My profession as a business broker involves negotiations at every step of the process. Read More
Yahoo! UK and Ireland Directory will be closed down and will merge with Yahoo! US Directory on 18th of November 2010. Read More
I recommend you one of the most lucrative online businesses that is easy to start, highly competitive but highly rewarding: Web hosting review business. Read More
To deliver the most cost-effective advertising campaign for your small business, you need to do something with a wow factor. Here are some tips and ideas to help you out. Read More

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