Zolachupik submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Apparently, 61% of the most effective marketers are meeting with their content teams regularly. But imagine if other teams in the company were involved in content? How could that increase effectiveness? Read More
YouTube announced that it is cleaning up the system by which users request custom URLs.

Under the current system, YouTube users could either go via the YouTube system and generate a URL in the youtube.com/ChannelName format, or those integrated with Google+ would get the youtube.com/c/ChannelNam Read More
To get where you want to go professionally, you’ll need to create excellent content — and create enough of it to make an impact. Read More
Since the inception of the search engine, SEO has been an important, yet often misunderstood industry. For some, these three little letters bring massive pain and frustration. For others, SEO has saved their business. One thing is for sure: having a clear and strategic search strategy is what often Read More
Content may be king, but if you don’t optimise your blog content in a way that Google likes, your readers will never find it. Read More
Working with a remote team can vastly increase your talent pool, save significant amounts on office overheads (on average $11,000 per company), and allow your staff to work in ways which suit them.
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In this episode of Business Systems Explored, Cameron breaks down how to build a great development team to help your startup succeed. Read More
Our experts have already weighed in on the biggest trends that happened in 2016, now they look to the future. Read More
I think we can all agree that content marketing is both practical and potent. It’s the ultimate form of inbound ... Read More
Mark Little, managing director of Twitter Dublin and vice president of media for Europe and Africa, is the latest Twitter executive to pass through the revolving door. Read More

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