These stories submitted by SparkHire became hot on BizSugar

Hit Snooze: Is Napping Good for Company Culture?

Avatar Posted by SparkHire under Human Resources
From 4294 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on October 23, 2012 6:36 pm
Does your company allow napping on the job? Might want to think about it because it could be extremely beneficial for productivity! (Yes, you read that correctly.) Read More

5 Ways to Keep Employee Morale Up - Spark Hire

Avatar Posted by SparkHire under Human Resources
From 4322 days ago
Made Hot by: crunchynow on September 26, 2012 9:17 am
It’s impossible to make everyone happy at all times, but a general positive morale among your employees is very important. If your company is rampant with a negative, pessimistic morale then productivity levels soon decrease. Read More

Video Interview Secrets to Hiring The Best Young Workers

Avatar Posted by SparkHire under Human Resources
From 4354 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on August 25, 2012 4:54 am
Is your company ignoring young workers? Perhaps when it’s time to schedule a video interview, you’ve gotten into the habit of avoiding those in a younger age bracket. Aside from being discriminatory, this just isn’t wise for the future of your company. Read More

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