These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

I find that many of my friends and family don’t really “get” the online freelancer thing. And what can I tell them? Read More
The dream of working from home and being your own boss is a strong one. After all, the image that comes to mind is that of working in your pajamas, after getting up whenever you feel like it. If you want to be a successful home business owner, here are a few traits that you should cultivate. Read More
If you want to be able to retire and live the life you want, it’s important to consider your options and make sure you are saving enough for retirement. Read More
With the Congress passing H.R. * or the American Taxpayer Act of 2012, many changes came about. Here are 7 tax cliff deal changes you should know about with 2013 here. Read More
Due to the lapses I suffered over the course of the year, it occurs to me that maybe I need to add my home business taxes to the ranks of automatic bill payments. Read More
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a relatively new government agency, but it is already taking names and busting heads. Read More
One of the questions that many savers face when deciding what type of account to open is that of Roth vs. Traditional. Read More
As you prepare your finances for this new year, don’t forget that you might have higher taxes to pay on your investments. Read More
One of the best things you can do for your blog is to keep your freelance writer happy. If you have regular freelance writers working for you, it’s a good idea to consider how you can build a good working relationship with them. Read More
You might be surprised at some of the skills that are becoming more important as a way to help your career. Read More

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