These stories submitted by MMarquit will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Looking for ways to make extra money? Some people are looking to make more money and replace their income and, while others just want some extra cash. Here are 35 ways to make a few extra bucks a month. Read More
One of the essentials of financial freedom is preparing for the future. One way you can do this is by opening a tax-advantaged retirement account, like a 401k, and maxing it out. Read More
Before you jump into the idea of paperless finances, though, you need to think things through. Make sure that you have a plan in place, and that you have a records system that will allow you access to the information that you might need later. Read More
One of the realities of tax-deferred retirement accounts is the required minimum distribution (RMD). Here’re the ins and outs of the RMD. Read More
You can use dividend stocks to help you fund a non-profit. Giving back with the help of a stable income stream. Read More
Before you retire, it’s important to plan ahead to make sure that you are ready when the time comes. Before you retire, here are 3 things that you should do Read More
The Internet has changed some of the ways we do business and communicate with others. Here are some of the new careers available, thanks to the Internet. Read More
With the employment market recovering slowly, and with some adults looking to make up lost hours, college students and teenagers might find themselves competing for positions with older adults. Read More
Following your passion isn’t always easy. Many people have different ideas of what success would like for them, and being able to spend more time on a passion is often one of the definitions of success. Read More
Those who do not work as employees with benefits don’t see the benefits that many workers take for granted. Before you decide that you would be better off on your own, consider the following financial perks that contractors can’t take for granted. Read More

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