These stories submitted by MrBigIdeas will be featured BizSugar's homepage

What you think is a process might be an event. Events are fun and motivating but maybe a bit frivolous and meaningless. Process is necessary and valuable but tends to be dull, boring and uninspiring. How do you get the best from both? Here's how to solve the devilish dilemma. Read More
Is viral marketing the ultimate solution to generating revenue online or as useful as the swine flu? Before you devote time, money and resources there are three questions you should answer. Take three minutes to decide if viral marketing works for you and your company. Read More
Are you confused? Can social media drive motivated customers to your door? Can it actually generate repeatable ROI? If your company, large or small is considering social marketing here's a "no bull" way to evaluate the time, people & money investment - and the real world returns. Read More
It seems that every website has a list of Frequently Asked Questions. But FAQs may actually be driving customers and clients away. If your most important people keep asking the same questions there are better, more profitable ways to answer them. After researching dozens of websites it's as if alien invaders have taken over. Here's how to fix your customer interactions. Read More
The big idea is to find Influencers and entice them to persuade their followers to do business with you. Good idea but uncertain and expensive. There is a better way to use social influence that's easier and more effective. Obi-Wan was right. Make your enthusiasts into a Force to gain new customers. Read More
Banned, forbidden marketing techniques that most companies would never admit they use - but they do. What can you learn from them? Can you use the techniques Apple, Microsoft, Ford and the banned Super Bowl commercials use? Here's what you never knew! Read More
Where are all the new business ideas and the next great innovations going to come from? Can you be creative in the right ways at the right times? Here's how to turn challenges upside down and develop practical inspirations and unexpected ideas that work. Learn how to be creative - your way! Read More
Is traditional marketing dead? Does Engagement Rule? The focus in 2010 is engagement and building a relationship with customers. It sounds simply but ends up being as clear as mud. Here's a simple, practical and do-able way to connect. Learn how to make people like you and your company! Read More
Shake things up and grab attention with Buzz Marketing. In new marketing, whether it's word-of-mouth, buzz, viral or social media the rules are reversed. Your target customers don't join you - you join them. You do all the work to create the relationship and present the story. Here's how to get people talking about your brand and keep them talking. Read More

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