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Have you attended a trade show in the past year or so? How about a virtual event? A new report from Unisfair says that virtual is the way of the future when it comes to not only trade shows, but all kinds of marketing, training and collaboration events.
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Are you looking for ways to simplify your life, streamline your small business and keep your employees happy at the same time? Then one option you should consider is using direct deposit for payroll.
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“Digital distraction” from social media, collaboration tools, texting and mobile devices is costing businesses more than $10 million a year, according to a new study conducted by software company and research firm uSamp.
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Are you trying to reach affluent consumers with your advertising? And are you wishing you had the budget to advertise on TV? Well, you need not worry. According to a recent survey of affluent Internet users from The Affluence Collaborative, reported by eMarketer, TV is far from the best way to reac Read More
Capital for small businesses has been hard to come by for the past few years, and venture capital has been especially so. But now a particular kind of VC—venture capital from corporations—may be making a comeback.
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Does your small business have a strategy for promoting employee wellness? Whether it’s offering health insurance, promoting health and wellness through your policies, or offering financial assistance to employees for things like health club memberships, a strategy to encourage a healthy workforce i Read More
With the economy improving, your employees are likely considering their job options for the first time in the last few years. If you’re worried about keeping key employees on board, attracting new employees to help you handle increased demand, or simply rewarding the employees who have worked hard Read More
Employee feedback is a hot buzzword these days—a plethora of studies show that workers, especially younger ones, crave constant input from the boss about how they’re doing. But are you providing the right kind of feedback? Recent academic research reported in Strategy+Business offers some thought-p Read More
Are you considering moving your business to a new location, or expanding outside your home state? Maybe you’re thinking about launching a second business, but you’re not crazy about the economic climate where you’re currently located. If any of these applies to you, you’ll want to take a look at CN Read More
Many small business experts urge startup firm founders to use their personal savings to finance business startup, rather than trying to get financing from outside sources. This was good advice even before the Great Recession hit, and following this advice has become even smarter since then.
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