These stories submitted by WayneLiew will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Welcome to the exciting worlds of content marketing and social media - all wrapped up into one bundle of bloggy joy that will require your nurturing attention for a long time to come. To help you get your head on straight, here is a list of 78 questions you should ask yourself before you launch. Read More
American consumers have been profoundly altered by the recession in a way that will have a lasting effect on how they shop and buy. That's the conclusion of "Marketing to the Post-Recession Consumers," a recent study by Decitica, which reveals diverse reactions to the recession resulting in a variety of new "normal" spending patterns. Read More
This article takes a new viewpoint on how China is slowly learning about global commerce, dealing with international agendas and being a global superpower following Google's threat of pulling out from the country. A personal plea from the writer, "Google, please don't abandon China." Read More
Wake up, world, to today’s way of doing business. This is no time to hide behind a rock and think you have every good reason not to produce results in 2010. Guess again. All vital signs on globalization indicate that the best is yet to come. If you don't have a crystal ball, check out these ten predictions that will shape the future of global small business in 2010. Read More
This blog post is supposed to be dedicated towards freelancers as they face all sorts of collaboration problems when working with other freelances or their clients. For me, this is also a must read for small business owners as we do/will have the chance of collaborating with freelancers. Read More
Cash flow is what keeps a lot of small business owners up at night, and there are no simple answers on how to make it better. But there are things you can do, short of simply hoping for a sales includes, that could help you cope. Here are some tips from three small business experts. Read More
When you're a small-business owner, issues like whether you can afford to give your assistant manager a raise loom larger than the trade deficit and crop results. Yet, the nation's employment outlook factors into your hiring decisions and the truck that delivers your bread runs on gas. Keeping an eye on the bigger picture can help you avoid cost surprises. Read More
These "online reputation management" tools, as they're often referred to, will help you to define keywords, or phrases you wish to track and then watches for any mention of your company name, products, or services. Similar to High School reputations, protecting your image online is the name of the game, and just as in real life, everyone has one to maintain. Read More
Indeed, lack of confidence can kill a young company. But so, too, can thinking you're all that when you're not. How to strike the right balance between confidence and arrogance? Start by avoiding the following classic traps. I wish they were clichés, but sadly they aren't. Read More
If you’re going to transition from the budget work into the higher quality jobs, you’re eventually going to have to stop relying on job boards to get your work, but that doesn’t mean they’re completely without value. I was introduced to many of my best clients via bidding sites. Read More

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