These stories submitted by Jacelynsia will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Make sure you stay up to date on software development trends in 2020 as this will help your business gain momentum since the beginning of the year.
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ISHIR assists its clients to achieve their business objectives by successfully outsourcing their non-core business processes and functions in the areas of technology and digital marketing. Read More
Manufacturing and industry are changing with the introduction of AI, IoT, and other automated technologies. We have arrived to an augmented age, in which AI gains a new role. The future of this era is in artificial intelligence which comes up with its own designs, ideas, products instead of all our Read More
ISHIR is proud to announce that we’ve been ranked on the Clutch 1000, a prestigious list of the top B2B companies in the world.
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As data models draw on ever-expanding volumes of data, Hack believes the need to use machine learning to understand the costs of the modeling process will help enterprise decide where the right payoff is. On first hearing, “machine learning” and “Artificial Intelligence” sound like technologies tha Read More
The tech industry regularly sees the rise and fall of several hype cycles including the advent of the dot com era to cloud computing, big data and more recently artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain. Here are Top 15 Big Data Predictions that will come true in 2020.
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With hacks, scams, malware and more, the Internet can feel like a dangerous place these days. And, the recent proliferatioan of devices, from smartphones and tablets to Internet-connected appliances, has opened us up to even greater risks. But the good news is that by taking just a small handful of Read More
This week we feature Chetan Saxena, COO at Digital Success. Digital Success is a digital marketing agency based in Dallas, TX, delivering top-notch SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content and Programmatic advertising services.

In this interview, you can read more about his work at Digital Success, favor Read More
Collaborative tools, reliable and faster communication and the Internet are facilitating employees in virtual teams. There are 10 useful tips for managing virtual team. Read More
As a leader at a small B2B tech firm, when’s the last time you felt you didn’t have enough to do? What about the last time you weren’t focused on driving growth? Had too many leads? Knew exactly what to do about it? Visit today to know more. Read More

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