These stories submitted by Jacelynsia will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Every day there are thousands of marketers pushing out content to gain some visibility for a brand and to get traffic back to a targeted landing page. That’s a lot of content competing for the attention of your audience, and it’s just going to get more crowded. More than 70% of marketers plan to pr Read More
If you are only going to read one Influencer Marketing Guide and you’ve already read “11 Things You Should Know About Influencer Marketing“, you’ve come to the right place. Having been a pioneer in the Influencer Marketing space for more than 6 years, we’ve compiled our knowledge into an All You Ne Read More
Rolling out a new design for your online store is an involved process. Migrating to a new cart is complex, too. But when you combine an entire site redesign AND a migration, you end up with a monster of a project. There’s so much to think about and consider that getting started can be downright t Read More
Microsoft recently announced the launch of a new Text Analytics service in the Azure ML Marketplace. In this initial release, Microsoft is offering APIs for sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction of English text. Visit to know more. Read More
A new version of SharePoint sees a large spike in the number of migrations, as people move forward to take advantage of the new functionalities on offer. This is especially true with SharePoint 2016, as there’s a lot of stuff to love in terms of new features. A failed migration could leave users un Read More
One of the most common questions we get? Whether to develop a mobile web app or native app first — the answer, the order and why. Read More
As I would count myself among this 15%, it’s painfully clear that I and many I know are hopelessly attached to our phones. So what would it take for us to ditch our phones and latch on to “the next big thing”? Many have tried to build and market the future indispensable gadget, and many have failed Read More
Based on comments in the survey appendix, users have multiple issues with SharePoint use and deployment in the enterprise, most of it centered on people. Read More
Microsoft announced that it has taken the last steps to remove support for code-based sandbox solutions in SharePoint Online (via Redmond Mag). Read More
Again, online live-streaming is not a new innovation. But Facebook’s massive scale is bringing new life to the format via Live, the company’s new instant broadcasting feature. Facebook unleashed a torrent of Live updates last week, including a world map showing livestreams as they’re happening and Read More

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