These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

If you want to safely close and delete your Paypal account, here are two methods to do it safely!

Let me now take you through the complete set of steps as to how you can do the same for yours, however, you must remember that once you close your PayPal account you cannot reopen it afterwards. Read More
WordPress SEO by Yoast is a cool, all-in-one plugin to set your site perfectly up for SEO. And its free for the most part.

The plugin incorporates a wide range of SEO features and hence is not straightforward to set up. If you don’t set up the plugin properly you might miss out on its awesome fe Read More
If you are someone who wants to listen to music but hate downloading, here are a list of sites where you can simply listen to free music without downloading. Read More
Unlike other modes of promotion, social media promotion helps you promote your content in a rather cool way, because people are in a cool mood on social media, right?

So how do you encourage people to share your content on social media? By integrating those share buttons right into your content Read More
If your readers are not impressed by your blog post title they will not click through it to check out your post - it doesn’t matter if you’ve done the best formatting to your post. That doesn’t count if your title is not powerful enough. Read More
There are quite a few ways through which you can block a website on Chrome and prevent it from popping up in future.
Here are a few Chrome extensions to block websites on Google Chrome. Read More
You have spent a lot of time and energy in conceiving that great idea and creating a killer piece of content.

Now, why should you spend even more time and energy in formatting it? Crazy isn’t?

You have to do this for 2 reasons - people are in a hurry looking for information and people have Read More
Follow these tips to format your blog posts each time you write one so both you and and your readers can benefit from your efforts. Read More
If your business is not moving forward it is a very serious problem because your business is no joke. You put all the hard work, time, and money into your business. So it absolutely should grow and reach new levels.

Here’s ONE solution that will eliminate all the problems that cause stagnation Read More
If you are putting in a lot of hard work (and money) to build your business, and yet if it is going nowhere - this is no fun!
Here are 5 worst mistakes you could be making that are the main reasons for your stagnation. Read More

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