These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

So, what if you want to track the distance you walk everyday? Your own pedometer at your hands (or in your pocket) that can track your footsteps?

Yes, by now you’d have guessed there’s an app for that too! Well, not one but there are many, many apps for that purpose.

Let me present you with o Read More
Targeted web traffic is something very special. If you don’t get the “right” kind of traffic, it is better that you don’t get any traffic at all. Read More
What should you do instead of trying to get your content in front of their eyeballs? What should you do to make them notice your content and appreciate it?

Here are two simple things that you need to be doing. Read More
Some bloggers think that blogging should be complicated if it has to be useful to their readers. They think that they should work really hard to make their blog/business useful to their customers.

Well, it doesn’t have to be. You can always keep it simple and manageable and yet useful to your po Read More
So you and I can go to Twitter and get an account just like that. And start tweeting. But your attempts to “make it” on Twitter will only get meaning only if you have followers.

So here comes the million dollar question: How do I get more followers on Twitter (fast)? Huh? Read More
Mobile positioning consists of location-based services which determine how to track a cell phone by providing the actual coordinates of the mobile phone owner. Read More
When people just come to your site and leave without doing anything, the traffic is just dead weight. That kind of traffic is only putting unnecessary load on your server. Nothing else!

Clearly defining your blogging goals helps you generate targeted traffic; and that helps you achieve engagemen Read More
Do you want to keep reading those tips about Affiliate Marketing or you want something different that really works? Read More
Oh well, the very popular “make money blogging” theory doesn’t work for you as you expected, does it?

See, I am not going to give you advice on make money blogging here. This is not another post on 100 or even 10 ways to make money blogging.

Rather, I am going to discuss what you should be do Read More
Let’s talk about word of mouth marketing! Word of mouth marketing is nothing but others spreading the word for you. Read More

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