These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

How can you stay focused on your blogging goals, so you too can reach all those awesome milestones just like the successful bloggers in the blogosphere? Read More
How can you have your professional email address and access it from Gmail too? This post will help you achieve that! Read More
Everyone wants to stand out, they want their blogs to be read and they definitely want to make a difference.

How are you supposed to do this though when there are literally thousands if not millions of blogs competing for the same thing! Read More
You need a content marketing strategy - not just a cookie cutter strategy. You need a content marketing strategy that is tailored for your business.

This post will help you devise a content marketing strategy so you can drive more traffic to your website. Read More
Building audience for global recognition could be difficult only if you don’t follow these 10 dirty little tricks to seduce your freelance prospects! Read More
You could be making these mistakes that drives visitors off your site, while you are obsessed with driving visitors to your site! Check these mistakes out! Read More
Google Analytics data will give you a LOT of insights about your site's traffic. Adding it to your WordPress site need not be challenging.
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Meaningful comments add to the conversation and if you are smart enough to add to the conversation in a useful way, you win - and the blog author wins as well since he/she gets some additional valuable content on his/her post. It is a win-win.

So why is blog commenting an effective traffic strat Read More
You need to get social in order to achieve blogging success! Coz blogging is not a one man show. But you don't have to rely totally on social media to "get social".

And social media could be a GREAT distraction. So what other options do you have as a blogger? Let's explore! Read More
I agree that affiliate marketing is easier than other money making methods like for instance, creating your own product. Many bloggers hesitate creating their own products because it takes time, effort, discipline and some commitment to get it done. On the other hand, with affiliate marketing, one Read More

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