These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

A 500 internal server error is both annoying and is a nightmare to website owners. Find out what you can do if you encounter one.
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Is your blogging business not moving forward as swiftly as you expected? There's a good chance that you are suffering from "blogging procrastination". Read More
Buyers from the popular e-commerce site Amazon can now use a tweet to add products to their wishlists. Read More
Do you realize how privileged it is to have permission to land your word on someone's inbox? You don't always get that option easily. It is hard earned.

Find out how you can increase subscriber engagement by segmenting your list! Read More
This is not yet another post that shares tips to get more website traffic.

You would have already heard a LOT of advice on traffic generation. And you’re still reading this post.

This means you want more traffic. Well, you can have it. Here are 20 not-so-popular tips to get more blog traffic Read More
Becoming a successful blogger requires you to become a successful writer. If you want to make an impact your writing game must be tight. Read More
When will Facebook release Facebook Moments to public? We don’t know! In fact the actual question should be: “Will Facebook release Facebook Moments to public?” – coz there have been quite some apps that were tested by Facebook and have never been released to the public! Read More
The size of the email list is NOT ALL. In fact, compared to another most powerful metric I’d say the size of your email list doesn’t matter at all!

“Mine is small” - say many bloggers.

But its probably OK if ... Read More
Most smartphones have the speech-to-text option which allows the user to send a text simply by talking to the phone. All you have to do is turn on the speech text option and speak to your phone and you smartphone will turn whatever you say into text. Read More
Did I change my mind about Commentluv? Nope! I STILL LOVE Commentluv plugin (especially the premium version) and I actively promote it :)

Read the post to find out the main reasons that forced me to switch to Disqus. Read More

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