These stories submitted by Janesheeba will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Google Inc., the online search giant, has convened an expert panel to decide whether to incorporate the ability to eliminate links that users do not want the world to see after the EU ruling regarding the “right to be forgotten”. So, if a user now finds something offensive, they can ask Google to p Read More
t is important to realize that there are possibilities to stretch your time or make time for blogging. Here are my PROVEN tips to make time for blogging (works even if you are busy). Read More
Here are my proven tips to help you write blog posts in 20 minutes.

Make note that you can finish your first draft in 20 minutes or less using these tips. Of course, you would have to spend a good amount of time in editing the post afterwards! Read More
Google/Youtube reportedly want to buy Twitch, a live streaming video game site, for $1 Billion. The deal is underway and the acquisition announcement may break any time soon. Read More
Google has made a bold move and has integrated Paypal payments within Google Play, given that Paypal was considered a competitor to Google Wallet. Read More
Erik not only joined the DoSplash community in its early days, but stuck with us so far. He did not just join to see what's new here and then leave. He has been an active member and also has helped us very patiently in fixing some of the bugs. Read More
DDoS attack is something that you start hearing quite often recently, but you don't know the nuts and bolts of it and you probably don't know how to keep your site safe from a DDoS attack, right? Don't worry, this post will help you with that. Read More
Izitru acts as a scanner that can tell if an image is legit or not. The home page says “Free image hosting that can prove your photo is real”. Read More
Although working via Google Drive is convenient, what if you have a dedicated app for Docs and Sheets (separately)?
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Having an underwater digital camera is getting fashionable and even mandatory to people in some professions. Let us check some of the finest underwater digital cameras in this series. Read More

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